Field Trips - Service Learning
Field Trips
Teachable moments do not end at the classroom door. That is why throughout the school year students are invited to participate in academically relevant field trips designed to support classroom studies.
At Friends School, we recognize that a strong education is built on a foundation of life experiences and human relationships. We believe in strong connections between home and school, which is why we actively encourage and seek ways to incorporate parents in the educational process and welcome parental participation in our field trips.
Service Learning at Friends School
Friends School believes strongly in service learning for our students. Service learning is considered a critical component of students’ academic and civic education, and is integrated into our daily curriculum. Children of all ages can and should be active in our greater community. FSL students, are provided with a variety of opportunities for service learning. These projects support the values of community, integrity, and justice. Our goal is to foster habits of involvement and build students' empathy for those in need. It is our hope that these service experiences shape student’s philanthropic decisions throughout their lives.
A few examples:
Pennies for Patients
My Dog Eats First
Dare to Care
Kentucky Refugee Ministries
2019’s 4/5th Grade Class collected plastic tops to make a new playground bench for the school!